
The word arthritis means inflammation. It occurs in various forms, more frequently occurring in two forms i.e. osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

 In osteoarthritis there is wear and tear of joints which usually occurs in the older age group. There is stiffness and pain in the joints, which usually increases after exercise. It generally occurs in weight bearing joints i e spine and knees.

Rheumatoid arthritis occurs gradually after several years. There is swelling of the synovial membrane i e outer lining of the joints. Ultimately it results in swelling and deformity of the hands and feet.

It not only affects the joints of the fingers, hands, hips, knees and feet but also muscles, tendons and other tissues of the body. This is a serious disease and the whole body is affected.

It may be due to some hormonal imbalance, hereditary factors, emotional and physical stress, infections, sudden shock, injury food allergy etc.


It has now been scientifically proven that certain food can cure inflammation while other food can cause it. Different individuals vary in their reactions to different food items. We have to find out which food causes inflammation in different individuals.

To find out the food allergies, we have to follow elimination diet. One has to follow a diet of herbal tea, vegetables and fruit. In this diet one has to exclude tomato, potato, brinjal, green chili (night shade family), wheat, corn, meat, egg, milk, cheese, mono sodium glutamate, refined cereals and sugars.

Introduce these foods one at a time. For one week, observe if the introduced food produces symptoms. If it causes inflammation and pain then exclude it completely. Then introduce the other food item. Give at least two days gap in between introducing new food. If no food produces symptoms. Then all the food items can be consumed.


Eat more fruit and vegetables – Fruit and vegetables diet is very beneficial for arthritis. They are always healthy choice. They are full of antioxidants. They protect the body cells from damage.

Onion, garlic, berries, orange, apple, grapes, lemon are full of the substances which reduce joint inflammation. These may also help to ease the pain of arthritis. 

Add omega 3 fatty acids – Omega 3 fatty acid help by relieving pain and morning stiffness in the joint. They work by reducing inflammation of the joints. We can get omega 3 fatty acids from walnut, flaxseed, fish, olive oil and green leafy vegetables.

Get enough vitamin C – As vitamin C is important for the formation of collagen. So eating food rich in vitamin C slows the progression of arthritis. Citrus fruit, berries, broccoli, cabbage are good sources of vitamin C.

It has also been found out that antioxidants like vitamin C, cartenoid and vitamin E also fight the effect of free radicals which are generated by inflammatory products and damage the cells in rheumatoid arthritis.

Eat more calcium – Studies have shown that calcium is helpful for arthritic patients. Intake of calcium has either relieved the pain or completely disappeared the symptoms.

Increase intake of Vitamin A - It is important nutrient which can be used to heal the wear and tear of the joints caused by arthritis. It is present in green leafy vegetables, carrots, yellow and bright colored vegetables.

Boost your vitamin E intake – In a study it has been found out that taking Vitamin E, an antioxidant decreases the effect of arthritis. Vitamin E is found in sunflower seeds, cereals, almonds, peanuts, spinach etc.

Vitamin D is important - Patients with osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis have been found to be deficient in Vitamin D as mentioned in Harvard Medical Blog. The disease occurred three times faster in the people having vitamin D deficient diets.

Include lots of fibre – They maintain the healthy digestive system and counteracts the effects of arthritic medication i e constipation.

Keep the weight normal – Obesity greatly increases the risk of osteoarthritis. Reducing few kilos can have beneficial effects as it puts less strain on hip and knee joints.

In rheumatoid arthritis, because of loss of appetite, pain and depression patients become thin. So nutrient dense diet can be planned for them.

Do Exercise - Exercise is very important to maintain the function of joints. It also reduces the pain and stiffness of the joints.


1.   Omega 6 fatty acids should be avoided. They cause inflammation if taken in large quantity. So eat omega 3 fatty acids rich food like walnuts, almond, fish, flaxseeds also.
2.   Maintain level of saturated fat in your diet. Avoid Trans fats totally. Excessive saturated fats from non vegetarian food produce inflammatory substances in the body. Non vegetarian food also increases uric acid level of the body and thus joint inflammation.
3.   Avoid sugar and refined food as these have empty calories. These are nutrients deficient foods and thus rob off the body’s essential nutrients.
4.   Avoid high cooking temperature – Food cooked at high temperature i e grilled, broiled, fried or microwave meat should not be taken. They produce substances called AGE (Advanced glycation end products) which cause inflammation in the body. Although AGEs are also found naturally in our body. Eating these foods increases their level in the body. Processed food should also be avoided as these are also cooked at high temperature.


Vegetable juices – A cup of green juice extracted from green leafy vegetables mixed with equal proportion of carrot, beet root and celery juice should be taken. They create an alkaline environment in the body. Thus washing all the deposits around the joints and the tissues.

Ginger – Ginger has been used successfully for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. It is also an anti-inflammatory agent. It is better than the NSAIDS (non – steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) given for the treatment of arthritis. As they have side effects like inducement of peptic ulcer if taken for long periods.

Ginger has no side effects. It blocks formation of inflammatory prostaglandins and other inflammatory substances called leukotrienes says Dr Srivastav. Moreover antioxidants in ginger also breakdown the inflammatory acids in the joints.

Dr Srivastav treated many patients successfully with ginger therapy. He recommends 5 gm of fresh ginger thrice a day. It can be incorporated in cooking. Ginger powder can be taken with water or food so that it won’t burn the mouth. This moderate amount of ginger has no side effects.

Turmeric and clove – These are spices which help to combat arthritis. They act like anti inflammatory drugs. Curcumin a compound in turmeric has relieved patients’ morning stiffness, walking time and joint pain.

Garlic – Garlic has been also proven to treat arthritis. It has also anti inflammatory properties. It can be either taken raw or in cooked form.

Fish – Fish is also very beneficial for osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. As it has also anti inflammatory effect.

Flax seed powder – Eat at least 2 tbspoon of flax seed powder daily to combat joint pain.

Indian gooseberry or amla – It cures the inflammation around the joints and it also heals the wear and tear of the joints. Fresh amla is best to cure arthritis.


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