WHAT TO DO TO CURE PCOS NATURALLY PCOS (Polycystic ovarian syndrome) is a disease of modern women. Modern women are achieving great heights in whatever they do. Women are driving trains, airplanes, managing not only their homes but are managing heads of firms and banks also. Now they are not happy to sit at home. All this hectic life has left little time for them. They do not have time to eat wholesome meal peacefully. So along with tremendous success, many of the women are suffering from PCOS. Their hurried lifestyle is affecting the important reproductive organ of their body i.e. ovaries. Dear ladies I am not advocating that we should leave our dreams. All I want to say is that, we should take care of the wonderful gadget i e our body to live healthy, happy and free from PCOS. PCOS generally affects women in their reproductive years. We c...