Menopause – An end or new beginning Menopause is not a disease but a transition period. It is the time of cessation of menstruation in woman’s life. It can happen any time after 40yrs or 50yrs of age. The phase before menopause is called perimenopause and after it is called post menopause. Some women pass from this phase smoothly, but for others, this period is very disturbing. Its symptoms include hot flashes, insomnia, vaginal dryness, pain and tenderness in breast, depression, irritability, fatigue and mood disorders. This is because of diminished secretion of hormone estrogen and progesterone from ovaries. The life of a woman is like roller coaster journey. We are so much influenced by the hormones at different point of time in our lives. But as Buddha said,”Ignorance is suffering.” If we become aware about the potential of our body to heal itself, then the scene would be entirely changed. Instead o...