Menopause – An end or new beginning

 Menopause is not a disease but a transition period. It is the time of cessation of menstruation in woman’s life. It can happen any time after 40yrs or 50yrs of age. The phase before menopause is called perimenopause and after it is called post menopause.

 Some women pass from this phase smoothly, but for others, this period is very disturbing. Its symptoms include hot flashes, insomnia, vaginal dryness, pain and tenderness in breast, depression, irritability, fatigue and mood disorders. This is because of diminished secretion of hormone estrogen and progesterone from ovaries.

       The life of a woman is like roller coaster journey. We are so much influenced by the hormones at different point of time in our lives. But as Buddha said,”Ignorance is suffering.”

 If we become aware about the potential of our body to heal itself, then the scene would be entirely changed. Instead of accepting the different stages in our life (menstruation, pregnancy, menopause) we start to condemn our  bodies and become depressed.

 We should feel proud being born as a woman and accept all that come our way. All that Mother Nature does is for the good of us. If we become more aware towards ourselves then we can pass through these stages smoothly. 

              Generally, woman forgets about her own health, in taking care of her household responsibilities, in-laws, husband and children. They don’t have much time left for themselves. Dear ladies, if we are not well and happy, how can we provide happiness to other members of the family. 

Happiness and contentment is something which originates from inside. It is necessary to fulfill our all responsibilities as a daughter, mother and wife. But if we are happy and healthy then only we can spread happiness and take care of others.  So it is the time, we should listen to our bodies and take care of it, physically and mentally.
 Some of the ways to be happy and healthy during menopause.

      Dietary Guidelines-

  • Eat wholesome diet with lots of whole grains like wheat Dalia and roti, bajra, jowar, ragi, rice, nuts, seeds, pulses and legumes, fruits and vegetables.
  • Drink more milk and consume dairy products like curd, cheese, paneer to prevent osteoporosis.
  • Eat more soy products. It will control hot flashes, depression and vaginal dryness.
  • Take calcium supplements, preferably at night please. It will keep your bones strong.
  • Eat flax seeds in powdered form. It can be added to your cereals, curd or salads. It will combat many of the ill effects of menopause.
  • Avoid trigger foods like tea, coffee, excessive spices, chocolate and alcohol. These can aggravate symptoms of menopause.
  • Control salt and sugar intake. It can affect the absorption of nutrients. 
  • Avoid junk food. Eat fried food occasionally.
  • Drink 7-8 glasses of water daily.


  • Stay connected to family and community.
  • Do exercise regularly. It will improve your mood, control hot flashes and depression. You can join any exercise or yoga classes, swimming etc. Exercise should be an essential part of our daily routine.
  • Take notice of your emotions. Follow your heart and do whatever you want to do.
  • Forgive and forget. Anger hurts you only.
  •  Proper sleep is very important to maintain healthy body.At least at this stage in our life we can’t neglect the importance of good night sleep.
  • Powerful nap for 20 minutes refreshes us...
  • Meditation and pranayams are very good to control emotions and to understand ourselves.
  • Always be positive.
  • Do not hurt others.
  • Now is the time to get ready to take care of ourselves because now we are more prone to heart disease and osteoporosis
  • If symptoms are severe. We should go to the doctor. Hormone replacement therapy can be taken for some time. Long time use can lead to stroke, blood clots, heart disease and breast cancer.


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