Diabetes is a serious metabolic disease. The main problem in this disease is that, the cells are starved. As the glucose remain in the blood because of the lack of hormone insulin (secreted by pancreas) or the cells won’t respond to it.

According to WHO, till 2030 Indians will have 101 million patients of diabetes. In south eastern Asian countries one out of four deaths is due to diabetes. So we should be serious about this disease.

In Diabetes, there is high level of sugar in the blood. As all the cells of the body require energy. So all the organs of the body are affected in this disease. It can damage our eyes, kidneys, heart, nerves, and lower limbs and can result in serious complications.

One can feel thirsty and hungry most of the time. It results in loss of weight. It can also result in anemia, constipation. The patients can have palpitations, weakness, and lack of physical and mental energy. Overall the emotions, mood and appearance are also affected badly in diabetes.

Sometimes diabetes remains undiagnosed and we don’t get to know about it until there is some serious complication like stroke or heart disease. So elderly people above 50 should get their blood sugar checked once a year.

Nearly 10 % of people suffer from type 1 diabetes i.e. juvenile onset diabetes. In this our defensive mechanism turns against ourselves. It is an autoimmune disorder which generally occurs after a disease.

The defensive cells after attacking the foreign invaders attack the body cells if they don’t get the worthy targets i.e. of the islets of Langerhans of pancreas.  In this regular intake of insulin is required. Diet and exercise is monitored seriously according to the dose of insulin.

Around 90% of people suffer from diabetes 2. These people are generally overweight. It is due to the lack of insulin or cells don’t respond positively to the insulin. It is also called non insulin dependent diabetes. It generally affects elderly people. But because of consumption of junk food and obesity. These days children are also affected.

Diabetes is caused by eating more of refined food, sugar and Trans fat. Overeating of carbohydrates, proteins and fats can also result in the disease. It has also genetic predisposition which is also enhanced by faulty diet and lack of exercise.

Tension, worry, anxiety and guilt also cause blood sugar to rise. Sedentary lifestyle, faulty diet, stress, obesity, heredity, increased levels of triglycerides and insulin resistance may lead to heart disease and diabetes.  

Diabetes can be controlled by proper diet and exercise. But if condition is serious we can take hypoglycemic drugs or insulin injections so that our insulin can work properly for us and cure diabetes.


No doubt we Indians are very fond of our street snacks i.e. samosa, kachori,tikki and sweets like garam (hot) gulabjamuns, rasgullas and how can I forget delicious kaju ki burfi (cashew nut sweet). Moreover our younger generation has added some more yummy delicacies from all over the world like pizza, burger and noodles etc.

It’s ok to have these foods occasionally. But regular consumption will lead to insulin resistance (when cells don’t respond to insulin) and then diabetes.As most of these foods are made up from refined flour. It increases our appetite. It also converts to fat making us obese. These foods are deprived of nutrients affecting our immunity.

Friends, sweets are awesome, even I am also fond of sweets. But excessive sugar is very dangerous for our health. It is addictive. It is harmful for our organs and depletes our body of the essential nutrients. Almost all the deadly disease is the result of intake of excessive sugar, refined flour and Trans fats.

All the baked products biscuits, pastries, cakes should be consumed occasionally. We can consume sweets on special occasions or once or twice a month. This way we can satisfy our taste buds and also maintain our health and can cure diabetes also.


When blood glucose level falls down, 2-3 hours after taking meals. It results in hypoglycemia.We can have headache, dizziness, lack of concentration, excessive hunger, feel angry. We may think that it is because of low levels of sugar in the blood.

But it is due to our genetic predisposition and along with excessive intake of refined food and sugar. We can become hypoglycemic. When excess of these food stuffs are consumed, it results in increased production of insulin. It causes blood sugar level to fall. Many years of hypoglycemia will result in diabetes.

Hypoglycemia can also result when food intake is not according to the dose of our drugs or insulin injections. It will also result when we do more exercise so that no glucose is left for insulin to work upon. So to avoid hypoglycemia we should follow these guidelines –

·       Eat high fibre food
·       Eat small frequent meals with in a gap of 2 – 3 hours
·       Chew nuts like peanuts, almonds, walnut,cashewnut, chana and pistachio
·       Avoid refined food, junk food, canned and preserved food
·       Eat lots of fruits and vegetables
·       Eat less of sugary food like chocolate sweets, ice creams and baked products.
·       Eat healthy fresh home cooked food.
·       Do exercise
·       Eat right amount of protein including whole dals
·       Do ‘nt consume alcohol on an empty stomach
·       Take vitamin, mineral and omega 3 fatty acid     supplements to keep the body healthy


To control the blood sugar levels we should consume a healthy diet consisting of high fibre grains like wheat, Bajra, Ragi, Jowar, Rice. Whole pulses are very beneficial as these have sugar, triglycerides and cholesterol lowering effect. Milk and milk products like curd and cottage paneer. Fruits and vegetables are also rich in fibre and minerals. Nuts are rich in essential fats. Consume fish and chicken. These food items will also provide minerals like zinc, magnesium and chromium which is good for insulin utilization and curing diabetes.  

Fibre – As we all know there are two types of fibre, insoluble and soluble fibre. Both are important to cure hyperglycemia. Insoluble fibre neither gives energy or nutrients to the body.
But it is important because it works like a broom in our body. It cleans entire gastrointestinal tract. It washes out all the toxins and fat from the body. So consume high fibre cereals like wheat, Bajra, ragi, rice and Jowar. Porridge of different cereals are the highest sources of insoluble fibre.

Soluble fibre rich food like psyllium seed husk, oats and fruits and vegetables. It decreases the absorption time of carbohydrates. It lowers our appetite and controls sugar, cholesterol and triglyceride level of the body . So help to cure diabetes.


Reducing Weight – By reducing even few kgs we can improve our insulin resistance. Weight reduction changes the levels of sugar and triglycerides and cholesterol in the body and cures diabetes.

Proper Exercise – Exercise is very important to maintain weight, cure hypoglycemia and to control high sugar, cholesterol and triglycerides levels. Our cells respond better to insulin and it improves insulin resistance and cure diabetes. So do yoga, walk or join a gym.

Stress – Stress is always detrimental to us. Our body is not a machine with separate parts. It is a whole entity in itself. We should follow a holistic approach to treat it by considering various inter-related aspect of it.

Stress disrupts our blood sugar level. It increases free radicals in the body and hampers our immunity also. We can follow relaxation techniques like meditation to control our emotions and pranayam to control our breath. We can go for a short vacation and follow our hobbies to rewind ourselves. So that we can cure diabetes.


Bitter gourd – Bitter gourd is most effective remedy in diabetes. It has a substance, which is plant insulin. So it improves insulin resistance and lowers blood sugar level. 1 cup of bitter gourd juice can be taken in the morning on an empty stomach.

Indian Gooseberry – Indian gooseberry is very high in vitamin C. It tones all the organs of the body. Apart from boosting immunity, it also cures insulin resistance and cure diabetes.

Jamun – It has also multiple healthy benefits for our body. It cures many diseases. The fruits and its seeds are also used to cure diabetes. 1 to 2 gm of powdered seeds can be taken with water, milk or curd twice or thrice daily. It stimulates the islets of Langerhans of pancreas to secrete insulin. Thus helpful to cure diabetes.

Bengal gram water – A study was conducted by central food technology research institute of Mysore on diabetic patients. It has been found out that liberal intake of Bengal gram water is very effective to cure diabetes.

Methi Seeds (Fenugreek seeds) – Consume methi seeds within 25 to 100 gm. It is very beneficial to control sugar and serum triglyceride and cholesterol level. It also lowers high blood pressure. So it is good to cure diabetes.

Supplements – We should take supplements of vitamin A, C, E which are antioxidants and help us to improve our health. B complex vitamins help us to get energy from our energy giving foods. Essential fatty acids are important to remain healthy. Herbal supplements are assimilated as food by the body. So these should preferably be taken to cure diabetes.

Last but not the least our government should also take measures to manage the junk food restaurants in the country, which are affecting the health of citizens badly. We can also think about to improve infrastructure so that we can walk or do exercise in a clean environment.



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