3 THINGS TO KNOW TO ERADICATE ANEMIA 1 WHAT IS ANEMIA Dear friends, let us discuss about the deficiency which is so common these days i.e. Anemia. About 50% of women in India are suffering from anemia. Anemia can be caused due to many reasons. Red blood cells mainly consist of a pigment called hemoglobin. Hemoglobin is mainly made up of iron and protein. Thus anemia may be due to deficiency of iron and protein. Loss of iron due to injury, surgery, bleeding piles, menstruation, or in some cancers can also lead to anemia. Chronic dieters, athlete woman or strict vegetarian may also have anemia. There are two other vitamins which assist in the formation of red blood cells. These are vitamin B12 and folic acid. Deficiency of vitamin B12 results in Megaloblastic or pernicious anemia. Vitamin B12 requires enough of acid in the stomach to get digested from the protein. It then joins with intrinsic factor to...