Treating. Thyroid disorders using holistic approach and live healthy

How to tackle Thyroid Disorders Dear friends, the butterfly shaped gland present in the lower neck, below the Adam’s apple is the thyroid gland. These days I see many women afflicted with the thyroid disorders. These are found in men also but more common in women. This gland secretes hormones t4 and t3 known as thyroxine and triiodothyronine. They control the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and proteins. Thus any changes in the hormones influence the chemical activities at cellular level. It also controls many other processes in the body like physical and mental development, body temperature and burning of fat. T here are many factors which influence this important gland. Nutritional deficiencies have a detrimental impact on the working of the gland. Emotional factors like stress and anxiety for a long period influence the secretion of hormones. Lack of physical activity also mars the proper working of the gland. ...