
Showing posts from May, 2017


PREGNANCY     - 12 WAYS TO SAFE AND SOUND PREGNANCY Hi friends, Pregnancy is really a wonderful experience of creating a life with in. It makes a woman so powerful. Isn’t it a miracle to give birth to a healthy baby? We should take care of our body prior to taking any decision to get pregnant. Only healthy woman can give birth to a healthy baby. Trust me I have been through this wonderful experience, twice in my life. At no other time in woman’s life, healthy diet is so crucial. As we all know, baby is affected by each and everything we do at this time. So I didn’t allow entering any negative thought in my mind or any toxin to enter my body. As I was fully aware of the fact that I am carrying a wonderful gift given to me by God. So how could I allow myself to have any negative influence in any form? Let us discuss about the requirements of various nutrients during pregnancy – 1 CALORIE REQUIREMENT During pregnancy the nee


            5 WAYS TO FIGHT CANCER NATURALLY Dear friends, today we will discuss about the role of diet in prevention and treatment of cancer. The cancerous cells can grow in any part of the body. Depending on the type of cells involved, there are different types of cancer. According to researches, 35% of cancers occur due to wrong diet i.e. diet high in fats and processed food. 1 FOOD WHICH IS CONSIDERED GOOD  FOR CANCER Fruit and vegetable diet – Fruit and vegetable are considered very beneficial in cancer. As these contain bioflavonoid, fiber, antioxidants like carotene and vitamin C. These slow and stop the growth of cancerous cells. Plant chemicals can also prevent the effect of cancer causing substances (carcinogens), radiations, and other environmental factors. They can stimulate the protective enzymes and slow the action of hormones inducing proliferation of cancerous cells. Role of fat – Obesity and high fat diet is