4 WAYS TO GET RELIEF FROM VARICOSE VEINS Dear friends, our veins help us to carry our blood back to heart. These veins are elastic and work with the pressure of muscles. But due to certain reasons, these become distended and get swollen. The valve in the vein allows the blood to go up against gravity and then it closes and doesn’t allow the blood to come down. So the veins become blue or purplish and acquire a snake like appearance. The blood circulation becomes sluggish. The blood pools in the veins, which then become distended. This is how normal veins turn into varicose veins. These are found in lower legs, thighs or in feet. We feel pain and heaviness in the legs. These can cause skin ulcers on ankles. Varicose veins are found in both man and woman. But generally woman suffers varicose veins more than man. Woman and elderly person suffers more. Woma...