Dear friends, our veins help us to carry our blood back to heart. These veins are elastic and work with the pressure of muscles. But due to certain reasons, these become distended and get swollen. The valve in the vein allows the blood to go up against gravity and then it closes and doesn’t allow the blood to come down.

So the veins become blue or purplish and acquire a snake like appearance. The blood circulation becomes sluggish. The blood pools in the veins, which then become distended.

This is how normal veins turn into varicose veins. These are found in lower legs, thighs or in feet. We feel pain and heaviness in the legs. These can cause skin ulcers on ankles.

Varicose veins are found in both man and woman. But generally woman suffers varicose veins more than man. Woman and elderly person suffers more. Woman at the time of puberty, pregnancy or menopause is more susceptible due to hormonal changes at this particular point of time.

Other factors leading to varicose veins are constipation, dietetic errors, standing or sitting in the same position for long time, wearing tight clothes, obesity, genetics and sedentary lifestyle.

How to cure varicose veins

1. Exercise – Exercise is very important for the strong body and strong veins. As we all know exercise has multiple benefits. It improves blood circulation and tones of our muscles.

With the help of exercise we can prevent varicose veins and somewhat give relief to the varicose veins. It also maintains our hormones and blood pressure which can be one of the reasons of varicose veins. Exercise can also help us to control our weight. Yoga and breathing exercises are really helpful in treating varicose veins.

Some exercises like walking, biking and swimming are effective to cure varicose veins. But we should avoid karate, tennis, skiing etc.

2. Diet to be taken to cure varicose veins -

1.   High fiber diet is beneficial to prevent and cure varicose veins. As high fiber will cure constipation, it causes pressure on the veins in rectum. It can result in varicose veins (Hemorrhoids) in rectum i.e. varicose veins in rectum and cause varicose veins elsewhere also.

 The simple formula is to avoid white flour and sugar and polished rice. We can eat whole cereals, fruit, vegetables and sprouts. This diet will increase the satiety value and help us to maintain our weight.

2.   Eat lots of fruit and vegetables. As citrus fruit are rich in vitamin C which is a very good antioxidant. It helps to strengthen the veins and also improves the blood circulation. Dark colored fruit like jamun, plums berries, strawberries, carrot are also beneficial. As these contain antioxidants and effective for proper blood circulation. We can take supplement of Vitamin C i e 500 mg of it for few days.

3.   Vitamin E is also found to be beneficial for thinning the blood. It helps to dissolve the clots. It is a superb antioxidant.  We can take 600 IU of vitamin to cure varicose veins.

4.   Drink lots of water. It removes the toxins from the body. Water softens the stools. Thus helps to prevent varicose veins.

5.   Avoid excessive tea, coffee and alcohol. As they have dehydrating effect on the body. Do not consume processed food and fried food. Eat fresh home cooked food to prevent varicose veins.

6.   Eat onion, ginger and garlic every day. These cure inflammation, clots and purify the blood. It will help to ease the pain and swelling in the varicose veins.

7.   Consume magnesium rich food. As our aching legs may be deficient of electrolytes magnesium and potassium. So eat banana, green leafy vegetables and other vegetables.

3. Lose those extra kilos – Excessive weight is a sure way to get varicose veins. Reducing weight will lessen pressure from the veins. It will also help to control blood pressure and clots, which can lead to varicose veins.

4. Some other measures -

·        We can raise our legs above our chest level to facilitate the flow of blood to the heart. This will give relief to the pain and help to control swelling and will support the leg to heal the varicose veins.
·       We can wear compression stocking when we have to walk or stand for along period of time. Stockings won’t allow the blood to pool in the veins. These will provide the gentle pressure to the vein.
·       Avoid standing or sitting in the same position for a long period of time.
·       Applying marigold flower on the leg, it also treats conditions related to inflammation and ulcer of the skin.
It is better to try these remedies first at home as compared to the expensive surgeries.


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