
Showing posts from October 10, 2017


HOW TO TREAT ACNE WITH HOME REMEDIES Dear friends, today we will discuss how to treat acne at home. Acne can flare up any time in our life. But these trouble teenagers the most at the time when they are very much concerned about their physical appearance. At this point of time, hormones are considered the foremost reason for the acne. These are present in many forms like black heads pimples with white material oozing out from them or boil.  The glands under the skin secrete white wax like substance. This is called white head. Soon it turns into black head because of the melanin hormone present in the skin. Due to bacterial activity it can turn into big pustules with pus and blood in it. Thus acne can turn a pretty face into ugly duckling. Acne can be present on forehead, cheeks, chin, neck, and chest or on whole body. There can be different reasons which can cause acne. ยท        Acne can be due to...