Yummy methi sesame thepla We were in Nadiad, a small city in Gujarat between two metropolitan cities of Ahmedabad and Baroda. There I learnt a few gujrati recipes from the local ladies over there. Handvo, dhokla, khakra, Gujarati style kadi, ladoos, thepla and other fried snacks. I really liked the handvo, dhokla and thepla. As Gujarati are very fond of going on vacations. They carry these homemade food items with them. Out of these theplas are very good to carry as packed food. These are highly nutritious. We can have them as snack or mini meal also. The fried farsan (snacks) are also nice. We can have them once in a while. As these can wreak havoc in our system if we eat them daily. Dhokla, handvo and Khandvi are light on stomach as these are steamed food articles. Theplas are shallow fried. As we know India is a diverse country with different traditions, customs, culture, dresses a...