
Ulcers are the lesions occurring at lower part of esophagus, stomach and upper part of duodenum. These parts are exposed to the stomach acids and digestive enzyme i.e. pepsin.

Ulcers erode the mucous membrane and skin penetrating the underlying muscles. We can have burning or gnawing pain, which usually occurs 2-3 hours after taking food or empty stomach. When the food or antacid is taken, pain is relieved.

The ulcers occurring at duodenum i.e. upper part of small intestine are called duodenal ulcers and ulcers in stomach are gastric ulcers.

Certain patients may not have pain but have other symptoms like intestinal bleeding, gas, bloating, heartburn, nausea and vomiting.

The immediate cause of peptic ulcer is more secretion of corrosive acids and digestive enzymes. The acid and enzyme mixture eats away the tissues of stomach and duodenum which otherwise resist the action of it, if it had the proper strength. It causes sores, inflammation and holes in the affected area.

A common bacterium, Helicopter Pylori which infects the intestinal tract. Smoking, emotional stress and heavy drinking are also contributory factors causing ulcers.

 Some people may have genetic predisposition also. The other causes of ulcer may be heavy use of drugs like aspirin, ibuprofen and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.


As it was earlier considered milk diet is god for healing ulcers. It is now proved as a myth. Many studies by Indian researchers have shown that milk only gives temporary relief for the pain. It stimulates the production of gastrin hormone thus increasing the acidity in the stomach. So it worsens the condition of ulcer.

According to the old theory, bland diets were given to the peptic ulcer patients. But these bland diets have been found to be more detrimental for ulcers.

The incidence of peptic ulcers is more in southern India as compared to north India. It is not because of more spicy food they eat. It is because people in south India consume polished rice where as in North India they consume high fiber chapattis.

High fibre diet is good for treating ulcers. These provide a buffering action, reducing the productions of acids in the stomach. It also toughens up the stomach wall.


Cabbage Therapy – Cabbage has anti ulcer drug.  Several researchers have used cabbage to treat the patients. It has one compound called gefornate which is used as a anti ulcer drug. Cabbage has antibiotic properties also. 200 gm of cabbage can be boiled in 500 ml of water till it is reduced to half. It can be taken two times daily.

Banana – It is one of the most effective remedy for ulcers. They have been found to be strengthening the stomach walls. It stimulates the cells and mucous over there, thus forming a strong barrier against acids and enzymes.

Dark green tea – Green tea has anti ulcerogenic properties. It has antibacterial, antioxidants, polyphenols called catechins. It can heal ulcers. Along with antibacterial powers, it also neutralizes the acidic activity in the stomach.

Garlic – Garlic is an effective remedy for ulcers. It irritates the stomach cell wall mildly, thus producing hormone like substances to strengthen the stomach wall resistance.

Fenugreek seeds – A tea made from fenugreek seeds is another effective remedy for ulcers. When fenugreek seeds are soaked in water they are little mucilaginous. When such tea is consumed, it provides protecting covering to the ulcers.

Eat lots of vegetables – Raw or cooked vegetables are good for peptic ulcer patients. High fiber diet of grains, pulses, vegetables and fruits should be consumed.

Aloe Vera – Drink Aloe Vera juice three times a day. It is very affective in ulcers.

Goat Milk - It is also very beneficial to treat ulcers.

Spices do not cause ulcers – AS it was thought in earlier days that spices are harmful for stomach lining or cause ulcers. Studies have shown that spices don’t harm stomach lining or cause ulcers.

Hot peppers can protect the stomach lining. The main compound in hot chilies is capsaicin, which protects the stomach against the effects of aspirin and alcohol. They may stimulate the nerve in the stomach and dilate the blood vessels, thus increasing the blood flow.

Indians and Latin American who eat fiery peppers have fewer cases of ulcers as compared to the people who eat bland diet. Please do not eat excessive spices, when there is flare up of ulcers.

Avoid eating these foods which stimulate acid secretion – Every person react differently to different kinds of food. The common food causing acidity is alcohol, chocolate, coffee, peppermint, fatty food, tomato and tomato based products. Fatty food delay emptying from the stomach thus causing increase in acid. Milk and milk products initially give relief. Later on increases the acid in the stomach, delaying the healing of ulcers.

Do not drink your liquids too hot – Drinking liquid too hot can affect the lining of the stomach. It can cause ulcers and burns in the esophagus, stomach and duodenum. Studies show that ulcer patients generally prefer their liquids hot as compared to non ulcer patients.

Stop Smoking – Smoking is closely linked to delayed healing and re-occurrence of ulcers. So to heal ulcers discontinue smoking.

Stop taking harmful medicines – We should stop taking medicines that cause ulcers. Doctor can prescribe some gentler alternative.

Eat frequent moderate meals – Large meals will result in excretion of more acids and enzymes in the stomach.  So it is beneficial to take moderate sized meals frequently. Do not consume food late nights, as it will cause acid secretion at night.

Do not self medicate yourself – Some people take alkalies like baking soda (sodium bicarbonate). Long use of aluminum hydroxide is not good for health. Baking soda and antacid containing calcium carbonate cause accumulation of calcium and alkalies.  It causes weakness, nausea and headache. It also
affects kidney.

Exercise – Ulcer patients can also get relief by doing exercise regularly. As it releases endorphin, which promotes the feeling of well being and eases the pain also.
If H. Pylori has been detected then patients should consult doctor for proper antibiotic treatment.


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