PCOS (Polycystic ovarian syndrome) is a disease of modern women. Modern women are achieving great heights in whatever they do. Women are driving trains, airplanes, managing not only their homes but are managing heads of firms and banks also.

Now they are not happy to sit at home. All this hectic life has left little time for them. They do not have time to eat wholesome meal peacefully.

So along with tremendous success, many of the women are suffering from PCOS. Their hurried lifestyle is affecting the important reproductive organ of their body i.e. ovaries. Dear ladies I am not advocating that we should leave our dreams. All I want to say is that, we should take care of the wonderful gadget i e our body to live healthy, happy and free from PCOS.

PCOS generally affects women in their reproductive years. We can have scanty or heavy flow at the onset of menarche or at the time of menopause. But we have to distinguish between the normal and abnormal monthly flow.

PCOS doesn’t only results in irregular periods but comes as a package of many other symptoms. If our ovaries are not working properly then it affects our body adversely. We get hair on face, upper arms, lower legs, lower stomach, acne, thin hair, infertility, mood swings also.

Fat gain is also associated with PCOS. It is a vicious cycle and tricky to know whether fat accelerated the problem or it is due to PCOS itself.

PCOS is generally diagnosed when women is trying to get pregnant and is not successful. So first priority is here, to help our ovaries to work properly and result in normal painless period. Yes, cramps, anxiety, nausea, feeling tired, which we go through, during periods, is not normal.


Although exact causes of PCOS has not been found out. One of the reasons can be genetic predisposition. It can run in families. We are not realizing that by destroying our mother earth, we are actually destroying ourselves only. Food we are consuming is full of pesticides, chemical fertilizers. These chemicals are getting into our bodies through food, air and water. They are altering our body composition.

 We are made up of the elements present in nature only. If these are toxic, how can we get pure and perfect body? Moreover we are not taking care of ourselves by consuming wholesome food. We are not able to develop single perfect follicle which is resulting in PCOS. It results in so many cysts in ovaries.


In PCOS our hormones are affected. We are affected by the hormones present in our body. Our body also affects hormones in so many ways. In women there is always an upsurge and downfall of female hormones i.e. estrogen and progesterone.

In PCOS mainly two hormones i.e. insulin and testosterone are affected. Our body fat is up. Our cells are resistance to insulin. That’s why we are prescribed medicines for diabetes also.

More of testosterone results in more of body hair. We require testosterone but up to a certain level. So to cure ourselves we have to stabilize and do something which brings our hormones in balanced state. So what we can do is to eat properly, sleep properly and exercise properly.


PCOS can result in diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, depression and more fat in our bodies can have affect on our bones and joints, if not treated on time.

So, if not treated, it can have devastating effects on us. So, guys, get up, to protect ovaries, because if our ovaries are healthy then only we can have healthy bodies.


The problem in PCOS is of hormones. So how can we affect the hormones of our body so that it can work properly? There is a direct relation between the good health of our body and balanced form of hormones. So to cure PCOS we have to follow certain rules.

·       As our insulin is not doing its job properly. So our cells are starved. To help our insulin to work at its best we should consume food with high glycemic index i.e. high fiber food and avoid processed food (food with low GI). High GI food will increase our blood glucose level slowly. Our insulin response will be improved.

·       We should include good quality protein in our diet such as milk, egg, meat, nuts, pulses etc. As our hormones, enzymes, and vital organs require good quality protein.

·       Micro minerals like selenium, chromium, magnesium,  zinc are also important for insulin to work properly. To cure PCOS also.

·       Iron rich food is also required as there may be heavy flow due to irregular periods. Vitamin B12 is required for the proper absorption of iron. Eat meat and fermented food like curd, idli, dosa and sprouts etc.

·       Calcium intake can cure 50% of the symptoms of menstrual discomfort like cramps, headache and fatigue.


Only healthy well nourished and well oxygenated ovaries can work properly. So exercise is an essential part to cure PCOS also. There is extra fat around our ovaries which makes them sluggish.

 So one aim to cure PCOS is to reduce fat. We can achieve desired weight by reducing fat of our body through exercise only. Exercise also improves insulin resistance to our cells.

We can combine strength training, cardio and yoga. Strength training strengths our internal organs so that these can perform well. But these should be performed under the guidance of perfect trainer.

 Cardio exercises will help us to lose weight. Yoga can provide balance to our mind and body. If both are balanced then our hormones will also be harmonized. Hormones doing well, means no PCOS.


Sleep is very crucial for PCOS. I can’t understand why we are not sleeping at proper time. We are completing our assignments, gossiping or enjoying parties till late night hours.

It is not a worthy practice. We feel tired and bloated and crave more for sweets. The more discipline, we inculcate in our life for sleep and other lifestyle factors the healthier we can become. Sleep is vital to rejuvenate our body and mind. So dear friends follow a fixed routine to reduce fat % of your body and also to treat PCOS.


Medicines – We are taking so many medicines to treat PCOS and so many other diseases. But believe me friends, if we follow a holistic approach to cure ourselves, we can get rid of the pills which we are popping every day.

These medicines have good affects but have some side affect also which is not so good. So by following healthier options, we can gradually lessen the dose of the drugs we are taking and even can totally eradicate medicines and cure PCOS.

Balance out your life to cure PCOS – As I have mentioned earlier, we have overburdened ourselves in these modern times which has resulted in PCOS. Suppressing ourselves is in no way going to help us.

If we are nutrionally and emotionally deprived then it will result in PCOS. The unfulfilled desires, not expressing ourselves and adjusting more than our mental and physical capabilities allow us, will result in imbalance in our hormones and ultimately in PCOS.

So please try to strike out a balance in your life. Discipline in life, will help us in many ways. As regularity in sleep, exercise and in consuming proper food will help us to strike a balance in life and also to treat PCOS.


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