Dear friends, these days so many people are suffering from allergies. Allergy is the response of body to different type of substances to which our body is sensitive. These substances are harmless to other people.

 Allergic person’s tissues are more sensitive to allergens. It can come into contact through direct contact with the skin or can enter into the body to reach mucous membrane. We can be allergic to dust, pollen, medicines, animal fur, cosmetics, food etc.

Some people confuse allergies with food intolerances. Actually allergy involves our immune system but food intolerances are related to changes in our digestion and absorption.

It has been found out by so many researches that so many people are allergic mainly due to hereditary reasons. If both the parents are allergic then the child is sure to be affected by allergy. Mostly 85% of children get out of allergies within 3 to 5 years. Others can suffer till their adulthood. But by consuming healthy diet we can protect ourselves from different allergies.

1 Symptoms of allergies

Allergies can cause different symptoms in different individuals. Sometimes children can be allergic to different substances from parents. The body organ involved may also be different.

 The severity of symptoms also varies in different individuals. Some people may be affected by little exposure to any allergen while others require more of it, to be affected.

 Allergy may result in frequent headaches, migraines, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, and hay fever, asthma, swelling in mouth or throat. Swelling in mouth or throat can be dangerous, as it can block airways to lungs. More serious reaction can result in anaphylaxis shock in which respiratory or circulatory system can collapse.

 2 Food allergies

 Generally children can be allergic to peanuts, milk and milk products, wheat, soybean, egg and fish. But we can be allergic to any food. It is not easy to detect food allergy. We have to be very cautious about the time and quantity of the food consumed.

 Then we can see if any food is causing symptoms. We can omit that food for few weeks. After few weeks we can again consume that food and if there are symptoms, we can be sure of the allergens.

We have to be very careful because sometimes the food we are allergic to can be added in processed food. So read all the labels before consuming any processed food. It is also very essential to inquire before eating in the restaurants or as a guest about the ingredients of the food served.

 3 Diet to relieve allergy symptoms

We can build up the resistance against allergies through right kind of diet. It is due to faulty diet and consumption of processed food that our body becomes sensitive to certain substances. We can eliminate certain food stuff to which we are allergic. We should consume diet rich in fruit, vegetables, cereals and fish.

Limit intake of white flour products, milk and milk products, pickles, processed food, alcohol, excessive use of tea and coffee, meat, egg.

 4 Remedies to cure allergies

Lemon water – It is very beneficial to treat allergy. We can consume ½ lemon in one glass of water with honey in it. This can be continued for few months. It is very effective to build resistance and detoxify our body.

 Omega 3 fatty acids – These have been found to be helpful to treat allergy. As omega 3 fatty acids cure inflammation and improve allergic symptoms like runny nose and congestion. Fish, walnuts and flax seeds are rich in omega 3 fatty acids.

Fruit and vegetables - Fruits and vegetables are safe to eat. Avoid those to which you are allergic.   These contain nutrients to build up our resistance against allergies. So eat carrot, beetroot, cucumber, and banana.

Sip hot green tea – Green tea is a good remedy for allergies. As it produces antihistamines. Histamines are produced in the body when we are allergic to some food or other substances.

Add probiotic food to your diet – Probiotic food has same good bacteria as we have in our intestine. It increases our resistance to allergens. But avoid milk products if you are allergic to them.

Castor oil – 4 – 5 drops of castor oil added in half glass of plain water or fruit juice or vegetable soup. This treatment can be continued for 2 to 3 months.

So diet can help us to build resistance against allergies. But we have to be careful about the food or substances to which we are allergic. It is always better to avoid the allergens. Allergic people can always take care to keep allergens away from them.

Sometimes mental tensions and excessive emotional outbursts also results in allergy. So proper rest, mental relaxation and meditation is helpful in such cases. Yoga also helps us to keep allergies away from us. J


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