Friends today we will discuss about alcoholism. Alcoholism is the problem which is disrupting life of many people. Alcohol is used extensively all over the world as a most popular recreational drink.

 Alcohol has great mood altering effect. If it is not controlled, it can be easily abused. Alcoholism can disrupt family, professional and social life.

Initially, people drink it, in social gatherings. Generally people get in the habit of drinking alcohol gradually. Once alcoholism is acquired, it is very difficult to withdraw from it. Alcoholism has very detrimental effect on the physical and mental health of the addicted person.


The main ingredient in alcohol is ethanol (ethyl alcohol). It is derived from the fermentation by yeast of sugar and starchy grains and fruits.

It is the substance due to which a person is in the state of euphoria initially. The person is less self conscious and shy. It affects the judgment power of the brain. Sometimes the person can behave in such a way that he repents later on.


There is confusion, regarding the effect of alcohol on body. Although moderate drinking is considered good for health but excess of alcohol causes many problems.

Alcohol and brain – Excessive drinking causes problem in brain. It results in loss of memory and a state of black out. But if not taken for a long time then the effect is temporary.

If alcohol is consumed in excessive amounts for long periods. It can cause dementia in middle-aged and elderly people. Moderate amount is known to have beneficial effect on the brain of elderly people. Alcohol prevents dementia in middle aged and elderly people in moderate amounts.

Alcohol and liver – Liver has many functions in the body. It neutralizes the effect of toxins in the body. Alcohol has adverse effect on the liver. If alcohol is consumed excessively it can result in fatty liver. These changes are reversible.

But if alcohol intake is not stopped timely then it can result in permanent damage in liver cells. It can lead to cirrhosis of liver.  It cannot be cured. Liver transplant is then the only option left.

Alcohol and cardiovascular disease -   Cardiovascular disease has close link with alcohol. These days cardiovascular disease is causing serious concerns everywhere. Excessive drinking can result in heart disease or stroke.

But moderate drinking of alcohol results in beneficial effects on heart. Moderate drinking protects the cholesterol from being oxidized. It prevents the formation of clots. It lowers the blood pressure. Thus bring down the chances of heart attack and stroke.

Wine is known to be the safest drink, which has antioxidants, preventing heart disease and strokes. But excess of it will cause only damage.

Alcohol and Cancer – Cancer is deadly disease in which there is abnormal growth of cells. Alcohol is known to cause throat, colon, breast and liver cancer. Increasing the intake of alcohol increases the chances of cancer.

Alcohol and diabetes – There is an increase in the cases of diabetes all over the world. It is a metabolic disorder in which cells are unable to take glucose. It is called insulin resistance.
Moderate drinking lowers the sugar level of blood if taken with meals. Fasting blood sugar level also improves. But drinking alcohol in excess increases the chances of diabetes.

Alcohol and Pregnancy – Alcohol has direct effect on the growing baby. Especially in the initial phase, when woman is not aware about her conception. It can cause multiple symptoms in the baby, known as alcohol fetal syndrome. In it there is malformation of heart, brain and face. It is better to avoid alcohol during pregnancy.

Alcohol and weight – Alcohol is one of the highest calorie rich drink after fat. It has 7 calories per gram. One or two drink is known to have weight lowering effect. But excessive intake of alcohol may increase the weight. As we all know more weight is one of the reasons of the disease like heart disease, diabetes, cancer etc. Regular intake of wine is known to have more effect on increasing weight than beer.

Alcohol and risk of death – Alcohol is a drink if enjoyed in moderation, can have beneficial effect on body. It can increase the life time span. But if it is taken in excessive amounts then it can only increase the risk of untimely death due to serious disease, accidents.

Alcohol and depression – Alcohol and depression has close link. People drink alcohol to get rid of depression. Alcohol gives pleasure for some time. In the long run it elevates depression. So alcohol and depression link is a vicious cycle.

How much is good for health – Alcohol is considered if consumed moderately. One or two drink is considered good for health. If you drink more than this then alcohol is considered dangerous for health. Moderate drinking is one or two drinks consisting of 45 ml of alcohol, 150 ml of wine or 355 ml of beer.


Diet – Alcoholism effects absorption of nutrients by the body. So alcoholism results in the deficiency of thiamine, riboflavin, folate, vitamin B6 and selenium.

When we give up drinking we can make up our nutritional level by taking supplements and improving our diet. Some of the foods that help to regain nutritional level of our body are –

Grapes – It is the purest form of alcohol. So grapes rich diet helps to withdraw ourselves from alcoholism. It suppresses the craving and provides nutrients to the body.

Apple – Apple is also considered excellent, when we are trying to eliminate alcohol from our life. It eliminates toxins from our body.

Dates – Dates are also considered good. 4 to 5 dates can be soaked in water and can be taken for one month. It maintains the nutritional level of body.

Celery – Juice of celery is considered beneficial. Half glass of juice can be mixed with water and can be consumed for one month.

Along with healthy diet of   whole cereals, nuts, seeds fruit and vegetable. It is very essential to avoid white flour products (Maida), sauce, pickles, fried food, biscuits, pastries and sweets. We can take fresh fruit juices in substitution of alcohol. It is very essential to control the craving for alcohol. It needs lots of self control.

Plenty of rest and outdoor exercises are also helpful in improving the weak condition of body.


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