Hi friends, today we will discuss about migraine. It is the one sided throbbing pulsating pain in the head which cripples everyday life of the sufferer. Migraine is accompanied with sensitivity to light and loud noises, nausea and vomiting.

Some people experience a warning aura in which there is partial or complete loss of vision or they see flashes of light, tingling sensation on one side of the face or body. Migraine can also set off after some warning signs, like feeling cold, excessive bout of energy, frequent yawning, mood changes and craving for certain food.

Migraine can continue from few hours to few days. It can affect our ability to concentrate on anything. Women are affected by migraine three times more than men. Generally there are certain triggers like environmental, emotional, hormonal or dietary which initiate migraine.

These triggers cause the blood vessels in the head to constrict and then to relax. Thus these changes in the blood vessels result in the nerve ending to send pain signals to brain.


In different people there are different triggers which set off migraine. Some of these triggers can be avoided and others can be minimized to control migraine. These are –

Environmental triggers – These can be strong light, odor, loud sounds, change in temperature, weather or altitude. These can cause migraine in susceptible people.

Hormonal triggers – These are related to women. They can have migraine around the time of their monthly periods. It can also result due to estrogen supplement or estrogen related contraceptives.

Emotional triggers – Migraine can result due to negative emotions like anger, tension, fatigue, depression and anxiety.

Activity triggers – Too much activity or less activity, more or less sleep, eye strain, motion sickness can also cause migraine in certain people.

Dietary triggers – Diet is also one of the reasons causing migraine in certain individuals. There are some food items which can cause migraine. So we can avoid these food items to prevent migraine. The list of food which can cause migraine is –

·       Aged cheese, sour cream, and certain other milk products.
·       Sulfites used in wines and dried fruits.
·       Chicken livers
·       Many fruits like banana, citrus fruits, figs, papaya, raisins, pineapple, plum, grapes, avocados and raspberries
·       Artificial sweeteners.
·       Meats that are salted, cured, smoked and contain nitrites.
·       Chocolate and cocoa.
·       Nuts, seeds and peanut butter.
·       Dried beans, lentils and soya products.
·       Fresh yeast and yeasty breads.
·       Pickles and soya sauce.

To avoid dietary triggers for migraine, keep a dairy and exclude all the foods which is linked with migraine. After one month include one food per week to see if it causes migraine or not. So that’s how we can eliminate the particular food which is a trigger for us to cause migraine.


1 Ginger therapy – Ginger has been found to be very beneficial to prevent migraine attacks. This spice has been used since ancient times to cure headache, nausea and nervous disorders. According to Dr Krishna C. Srivastava in Odense University Denmark, ginger can be used to prevent the severity and frequency of migraine. It acts as an anti migraine drug like aspirin. It stops the formation of prostaglandins which cause inflammation and pain in the blood vessels.

Thus ginger therapy is effective in migraine. Moreover it has no side effects like other anti migraine drugs.

2 Fish – Fish is used to prevent migraine symptoms. Research has shown that regular intake of fish reduces the frequency of migraine attacks. So eat fatty fish to combat migraine pain.

3 Other food products – Some other food products like wheat bran, nuts, seeds, liver, and lobster are helpful in curing migraine pain. Dr James G. Penland from U.S. Department of agriculture has found out that these food items have mineral copper in them. The patients who are copper deficient complain more pain.

4 Feverfew tablets – Take one or two feverfew tablets. These are helpful to cure migraine pain. But start these slowly, as these can cause allergic symptoms in some people. If there are no allergy symptoms these can be taken to cure migraine pain. It cannot stop the migraine once it has started.

5 Grapes – Juice of ripe grapes can be taken to cure migraine. I t has been used and has given wonderful results in healing people with migraine.

6 Cabbage compress – Cabbage leaves are crushed and tied on the forehead with the help of a cloth. It gives relief in migraine. When leaves dry then fresh leaves should be used.

7 Lemon crust – Lemon crust is made into paste. It is applied on the forehead to cure migraine pain. It is very effective remedy.

8 Vegetable juices – We can consume mixed juices of carrot, spinach, beetroot and cucumber. 300 ml of carrot juice can be mixed with 100ml beet root juice + 100 ml cucumber juice. This juice can be consumed for few months to treat the symptoms of migraine.

9 Low blood sugar – As low blood sugar can also prompt migraine in some people. So eat small frequent meals to stabilize your blood sugar level. This will completely prevent migraine in susceptible persons.

10 Caffeine – Caffeine has dual role to play in migraine. If consumed regularly it can instigate pain in some people. But once you get rid of its habit. Then it can be used to cure migraine pain in the initial stages.

Other lifestyle factors also help to cure migraine pain

Exercise – Exercise is very effective for migraine patients. As it produces endorphins in patients (happy and pain relieving chemicals). So it reduces stress of day to day life.

Biofeedback mechanism – Certain doctors suggest biofeedback mechanism to get relief from migraine. It is done by raising temperature of your hands.  It can be done by rubbing hands. The blood flow will be more in hands.

As we know there are different triggers for different individuals. So we can try to eliminate these to prevent migraine attack. We can go for a walk in fresh air, listen to calming music, talk to some friend, can go for yoga or massage therapy. We can also meditate to distress ourselves from daily frustrations.

So guys do not allow migraine to affect your life and live peacefully and happily.


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