In today’s world everybody is so desperate to reduce obesity and to get the ideal figure.   We can do anything to get the perfect curves. We are not concerned about the diseases we are suffering from, like thyroid problems, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and many others.

All we want is, to look good in the party and feel so much inflated by the appreciation we get, for our slim and trim bodies.Obesity is a disease in itself. But friends, there are so many nutrients which are so important to keep us healthy and fit.

But why we are concentrating only on one nutrient i.e. fat. Ok, I do agree that extra fat leads to many deadly diseases. But there are so many things, we should do to keep fit and maintain healthy weight.

It is not that easy. Just to avoid sugar and fat is not, all that our body wants. It requires many nutrients to function well and also to reduce our body fat or fight obesity.

Don’t we want good immunity, high energy levels, a perfect digestive system. Is the life blissful if we are thin but our immunity, energy levels and digestion are not at their best? We can lose weight by falling ill also. The bigger the disease greater will be the weight loss.

We are so lucky to get the proper meals. So many people in the world sleep empty stomach. Moreover loss of appetite is not the sign of good health.

 If our digestion is perfect and food is absorbed well in the body. Then only all the biochemical reactions in our body will take place perfectly. The food will then be converted into energy and not into fat. This way we can fight obesity easily.


I am very much against on weighing ourselves on weighing scales. Our body weight consists of fat weight, muscle weight and water weight. So weighing scales or deducting Body Mass Index doesn’t give a fair idea of the fat of the body.

What we want to lose is, fat. Muscles in our bodies will help us to lose fat easily. The more muscular a person is more easily she will lose the fat and can tackle the problem of obesity.

So we can deduct fat % of our body by body analysis machine available in hospitals and in diet clinics. Normal fat % for women is between 25 to 30 % and for men is 20 to 25 %. So our aim is fat loss and not muscle loss of our bodies.


 Generally when people want to get thin, they skip meals and start doing physical exercise. Friends, exercising without a perfect meal will result in disaster. This will not only make us thin but ill also

Many of the women face many physical problems after losing weight. Lack of carbohydrates and salt causes dryness in the skin. Lack of essential fatty acids will affect the female hormone leading to dysmenohorrea. Deficiency of nutrients will also affect insulin to work properly.

If all the enzymes and hormones of the body are not working properly. How can we dream of ideal fat % of our body? Crash dieting is in no way going to help us. There are so many diets popular to get thin.

But the ultimate thumb rule is only one – our body requires different nutrients to fight disease, to work properly and to reduce its extra fat  i e to eradicate obesity also.


Proper timing of eating food is of paramount importance. Sometimes we are in a hurry in the morning and skip our breakfast. We go on sipping so many cups of tea, which further mars our hunger signals and causes acidity.

Then in the late evening, we stuff our stomach with so much of food that whole the digestive tract cries out of pain. So there are antacids to save us from all this trauma which we have created for our poor digestive tract. This will lead to obesity also.

Friends, these antacids will deplete the good bacteria present in our intestines and will further aggravate the digestive problems. We can think about the Buddhist monks who usually begged for the alms with both their open hands. This amount of food is what our stomach can digest at one time.

Eating more than that, is crime against ourselves only. We do not pay attention towards the signals, our stomach is giving to us. We are so much busy mentally and not aware how much we are eating at one time. We should be aware of the moment and eat with total mindfulness. This is the easiest way to fight obesity.

It is such a beautiful experience, eating our meals with full awareness and thankfulness towards God. He has given us this healthy food to eat and a beautiful life to celebrate.Eat small frequent meals instead of three large meals.


As we all know, we should include all the nutrients by consuming a wholesome diet. Our diet should be rich in carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, minerals and essential fatty acids. So eat food, following way to keep fit.

·       Eat high fibre food, including cereals wheat, rice, Bajra, Jowar and ragi. We can make chapattis of different flours by mixing wheat flour in them. These chapattis are really  yummy if eaten with ghee applied on them.
·       Include different pulses in your meals. Rajma, soybean, white chana etc. These are all super foods full of antioxidants, fibre and different vitamins and minerals.
·       Drink lots of water to remove toxins from your body.
·       Eat lots of fruit and vegetables. Consume at least 5 serving of fruit and vegetables.
·       Limit your fat intake 2-3 tsp a day.
·       Avoid all white flour products like white bread, pasta, burger, pizza, biscuits, cake, and pastries. They have also Trans fat which is bad for our heart. These will also result in obesity.
·       If you are non vegetarian eat fish.


Exercise – It is a non negotiable part which cannot be neglected. Right diet and exercise go hand in hand to reduce obesity. One cannot achieve ideal weight by neglecting either of these. So we can go to gym, do yoga under proper guidance.

Walking is safest. We can increase the intensity and duration of it to get cardiovascular benefit.

Sleep – Sleep plays a very important part in reducing extra fat of our body. Our body rejuvenates after a good night sleep. All the enzymes and hormones are in balance form.

 Our body repair itself when we are in deep sleep. If all the organs, enzymes and hormones are working properly food will get converted into energy and not into fat. So dear friends switch off your television, mobile and laptop one hour before your sleep time.

We should sleep around 10 to 10: 30 pm. Do not take stimulants like tea, coffee, chocolate and sweets after 7 pm. So sleep well to beat obesity.

Stress – Whether it is job stress or stress due to relations, affect our emotions, and specially our food, we tend to eat high calorie food when in stress. Food is always there when we happy and also when we are sad. Food is not there to provide us comfort in any situation. It is to nourish our body and make us capable to solve our problems. So guys eat healthy to fight obesity and be strong to live blissfully


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