HOW TO CURE DIABETES NATURALLY AT HOME Diabetes is a serious metabolic disease. The main problem in this disease is that, the cells are starved. As the glucose remain in the blood because of the lack of hormone insulin (secreted by pancreas) or the cells won’t respond to it. According to WHO, till 2030 Indians will have 101 million patients of diabetes. In south eastern Asian countries one out of four deaths is due to diabetes. So we should be serious about this disease. In Diabetes, there is high level of sugar in the blood. As all the cells of the body require energy. So all the organs of the body are affected in this disease. It can damage our eyes, kidneys, heart, nerves, and lower limbs and can result in serious complications. One can feel thirsty and hungry most of the time. It results in loss of weight. It can also result in anemia, constipation. The patients can have palpitations, weakness, and lack of physical and ...