It is very sad to know that many women suffer from the effects of menstrual discomforts. All over the world women experience some typical symptoms of menstrual periodic flow.

The most common symptom is pain in the lower abdomen or lower back area. The pain usually starts from a couple of days before the actual flow starts. It is generally referred as PMS (Premenstrual syndrome). Most of these pains are caused by fluctuating hormone level in the body.

A woman approaching this time, usually experiences attacks of anxiety and social with drawl. The most common of all symptoms is irritability or moodiness, depression and angry outburst, nausea, headache, gas in the abdomen, indigestion and sometimes even diarrhea. If the menstrual pain gets more severe than normal, it is called dysmenorrhoea.

Missed periods – This is natural during pregnancy and menopause but abnormal at any other time. Menstrual cycle may also be interrupted by hormonal imbalances, obesity, diabetes, thyroid disease, change in contraceptive pills or an eating disorder such as anorexia nervosa.

Women involved in high level athletic training are prone to menstrual problems. These women lack the critical amount of body fat to maintain adequate estrogen level. 

A systematic meal plan can provide the nutrients essential to maintain top athletic performance while guarding against excess weight. A woman who is not having regular menstrual flow should see a doctor for a thorough check up.

Heavy periods – Menstrual bleeding tends to be heavy and irregular, at the beginning and end of reproductive years. It could be also due to skimping of foods rich in manganese.

As we all know, there are different stages in a woman’ life. We all pass through different feelings and experiences at different point of our lives.

Firstly we should accept all the natural fluctuations of hormones in our lives. Then only we can help our bodies to create a wonderful life. We should make efforts to be in top most of our health at these stages. So that we can pass through these stages smoothly.


Carbo diet for PMS – Carbohydrates are good medicine for premenstrual syndrome. A high carbohydrate diet is helpful to relieve PMS symptoms. Eating a small portion of complex carbohydrates (Brown bread, pasta, oats potatoes, rice and wheat) every three hours and before one hour of going to bed or after getting up combated PMS symptoms.

Complex carbohydrates can help by increasing production of serotonin a chemical that regulates mood. Such foods are best because they raise blood sugar level more slowly, helping to control appetite and possibly cravings.

Reduce omega 6 fats and increase omega 3 fats – Omega 6 fatty acids are considered essential fatty acids and a certain amount is necessary to maintain the proper functioning of the human body. However excessive amount of omega 6 can aggravate menstrual pain because these fats produce inflammatory substances such as prostaglandins.

They are believed to temporarily disrupt blood supply to the uterus thus depriving the uterus of oxygen resulting in pain and cramping. On the other side, omega 3 fatty acids which have anti-inflammatory properties may help reduce pain.

 So we should consume less refined vegetable oils like corn, safflower that are high in omega 6 fatty acids and consuming more fats high in consuming omega 3 fatty acids e.g. Flax seeds,walnuts,soybean,olive oil and fish.

PMS and sweet cravings - Many women crave sweets, in particular chocolate in the days just before their period start.  An occasional piece of chocolate won’t do much harm but eating large amount of sugary foods only adds empty calories and can worsen the cravings for sweets by disrupting normal blood sugar levels.

Such cravings should be satisfied with complex carbohydrates such as whole grains and vegetables which are metabolized at a slower rate than sweets. These foods are also packed with fiber, which helps to prevent constipation that some women experience as a part of PMS.

Water – We lose so much water during periods. Moreover drinking water is the best solution for water retention.


Get more calcium – Calcium may help reduce mood disturbances, cramping and bloating resulting from PMS.Best sources of calcium include dairy products, leafy greens, nuts and legumes.

Potassium – It reduces water retention. Good sources of potassium are fruits, vegetables, whole grains, seeds and nuts.

Magnesium – Magnesium deficiency may be a cause of menstrual pain in some women. Magnesium supplementation may relieve back pain. Good sources of magnesium are whole grains, nuts and seeds.

Iron – This is extremely important because we lose so much of blood during these days.

Vitamin E – Vitamin E is effective in treating primary dysmenorrhoea. It has been shown to significantly reduce menstrual pain as well as to limit the amount of blood lost during menstruation. The potential of vitamin E to alleviate menstrual problems is believed to result from its ability to inhibit prostaglandins synthesis. Seeds, nuts and vegetable oils are among the best sources of vitamin E.

Vitamin B6 – It is important in reducing menstrual pain. It plays a key role in the synthesis of the neurotransmitter dopamine, which promotes physical and emotional well being. Good sources of vitamin B6 are banana, lentil, chickpea, oatmeal, chicken etc.

Vitamin B3 – Vitamin B3 is effective in reducing menstrual cramps. The beneficial effects of this vitamin result from its ability to lessen the spasm of uterine arteries. Vitamin C has been shown to further boost the effectiveness of niacin. Legumes, nuts, grains,fruits,vegetables and meat are good sources of vitamin B3.


Parsley – It is most effective in the treatment of menstrual disorders. It assists in the regularization of monthly periods. Cramps are also relieved with it particularly when consumed along with carrot, beet root and cucumber in the form of juice.

Chamomile tea – It has anti-inflammatory properties. It is a great stress buster too. So drink this tea every few hours. It will help us feel relaxed and will reduce the body ache.

Milk therapy – A warm glass of milk gives great relief to the body and mind. It has potassium, magnesium, calcium and vitamins. During menstruation body loses lots of its energy, water and nourishment. It can be replaced by providing fuel to the body to work on, which is a through food rich in nutrients. Drinking warm milk, soups and herbal teas helps in easing the cramps.

Ginger – Ginger is also very useful in cases of painful menstruation and stoppage of its flow. Few pieces of ginger should be pounded and boiled in a glass of water for few minutes till the water gets half. It can be taken as medicine thrice daily. Sugar can be infused in this to improve the taste.

Sesame seeds – They are rich source of Vitamin B6 and healthy fatty acids. They reduce menstrual cramps.

Raw papaya – We can include raw or unripe papaya in our diet. This is very beneficial in treating unstable conditions during menstruation. Some other vegetables that are helpful are bitter gourd, drumstick, pumpkin and snake gourd.

Flax seeds – These are very beneficial to cure menstrual problems. Two tsp full in powdered form can be consumed with curd or salad.

Spinach – The nutrients that fight menstrual cramps like magnesium, vitamin B6 and vitamin E are found in abundance in spinach. It is an excellent choice to control bloating and pain during the periods.

Pineapple – It contains bromelain, an enzyme that help relax muscles to relieve menstrual discomfort.

Lemongrass – It is useful in painful and difficult menstruation. It can be taken in the form of tea.

Aloevera - It is a stimulant of the uterus. So it is given in case of painful periods. 30 ml of juice can be consumed everyday to relieve the symptoms.

Pomegranate – It is known to be rich in phytoestrogens and has been used as uterine stimulant.

Banana – It has vitamin B6 and potassium. It relieves bloating and menstrual cramps.

Asafoetida – It is known to increase the female hormone progesterone. It can be fried in ghee and can be mixed in milk and honey. It can be taken for a month to get relief.

Oats - oats are rich source of anti cramping mineral magnesium. They have abundance of zinc that aids in painful periods.

Exercise - Do not forget to include exercise in your daily regime. It will help to combat PMS. Exercise releases endorphin. These are feel good chemicals which help our body to deal with PMS.


·       Cut out caffeine from your list of food. Caffeine in coffee, tea, cola and chocolate can make us feel nervous during periods and lead to menstrual discomfort.

·       Do not consume alcohol. It will increase the problem of water retention.

·       Do not eat junk food, fried food, white flour products and fattening sweets.

  • Consume less of salt around periods. Salt will increase puffiness all over the body and make us feel weak and irritable.


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