Constipation is a common problem of gastrointestinal tract. It is infrequent evacuation of hard and dry stools. This condition produces toxins in the body which spreads throughout the body parts via blood stream. It can cause many serious diseases like cataract, arthritis, high blood pressure, cancer etc.

Regularity of bowel movements differs from person to person. For some it is okay to have bowel movements 2- 3 times a day. For others as infrequently as once in 3 – 4 days.

Sometimes iron and calcium supplements cause constipation. So people suffering from these should turn to natural sources of iron and calcium.

People, who want to reduce their weight, sometimes consume boiled food, which causes constipation. We should consume at least 2-3 tsp of oil every day.

There are two types of constipation – Atonic and Spastic (irritable bowel syndrome)
Atonic constipation which means lack in tone of colon muscles is more common. It may be due to lack of fluids, fiber in diet and lack of physical exercise.
Spastic constipation may be due to stress, nervous disorders, excessive smoking, irritating foods and obstruction of colon.


Increase intake of dietary fibre – Fibre rich food like whole grains, legumes, fruits, vegetables and nuts should be consumed. Fiber rich diet is safest and cheapest treatment for the constipation. They have double laxative activity. Firstly they increase the stool bulk and secondly they stimulate the colon wall.

But any increase in the fibre diet should be accompanied with increased intake of fluids to work with higher amount of fiber. So to fight constipation eat more of wheat bran, whole wheat bread, whole legumes,beans,peas,nuts,leafy vegetables, fruits like apple,orange,banana,guava,papaya and root vegetables like potato and carrots.


Drink water Adults should drink at least 8 glasses of water per day. Otherwise stool will become dry and hard.


 Eat dried fruit like Prunes – They are rich in fibre and have excellent laxative properties. Prunes also have a natural sugar sorbitol much more than other fruits which act as a stimulant for many people. 8 to 10 prunes can be taken.


Bael – This fruit has excellent laxative properties. It cleans the intestine and tones the bowel movements. One fruit can be taken before dinner time. If taken regularly for 2-3 months, it cleans out all the accumulated fecal matter.

Papaya – It is also very beneficial for treating constipation. Papaya has enzyme, Papain, a protein digestive enzyme. So eat the fruit to relieve constipation.

Figs –Both fresh and dried figs are useful for treating digestive problems. 4-5 figs can be soaked in water overnight and can be consumed in the morning.

Grapes – Grapes are also beneficial in constipation. The combination of cellulose, sugar and organic acid in them clears up the intestine. It also tones the stomach and intestine. When fresh grapes are not available then raisins can be used after soaking them in water for 24 to 48 hours so that they can swell up to their original size.

Orange – It is also very helpful in eradicating constipation. It stimulates peristaltic movement. It doesn’t allow the accumulation of food in the stomach.

Drink hot liquids – Hot liquids like herbal tea, lemon water are beneficial. Tea, coffee is also helpful for constipation. But don’t make it a habit to drink tea or coffee regularly. These act as diuretic and disturb the fluid balance of body. So, because of more urination stools become dry and hard.

Spinach – It has been considered most important food for intestine. It not only clears but regenerates the digestive tract.   

Guava – Guava is also effective remedy for constipation. It provides roughage. Thus helps in treating constipation.

Banana – It is helpful in treating constipation. It provides bulk to the stools. It softens the stools and cures constipation.

Apricots – Apricots provide soluble fibre, which absorbs water and stimulate peristaltic movement. 5-6 apricots can be consumed to prevent constipation.

Dates – These are also effective in curing constipation. Dates (5-6) should be soaked in water and can be consumed the next day.


·       The most important cause of constipation is faulty diet and lifestyle habits. Do not consume refined foods like biscuits, pastries, white bread and fried food. Eating and drinking at irregular timings is also not good.

·       Avoid excessive use of tea or coffee, insufficient chewing, intake of large quantity of meat, insufficient intake of water, sedentary habits, regular use of purgatives, irregular habit of defecation and emotional stress and strain.

·       Regular physical exercise strengthens and tones the muscles. So the bowel movements are stimulated providing relief in constipation.


Piles or a hemorrhoid is a disease of inflamed veins (varicose veins) inside or outside of the rectum. It causes soreness and irritation in the rectum. One can feel pain and blood is discharged with the passing stools. It is because of the rupturing of the walls of veins.

Piles can be caused by chronic constipation, during pregnancy, liver problems or any other problem of upper bowels.
It can be also due to prolonged hours of sitting or standing, general weakness of the body and stress. Sometimes the pain is so much that patient cannot even sit


1.   Figs – Eat 4-5 soaked figs twice for at least one month.

2.   Jamun – Jamun with salt should be consumed as a first meal in the morning for few months when in the season.

3.   Mango seeds – Mango seeds should be dried when in the season. Powder them and eat 1 – 2 gm twice daily.

4.   Radish – Grate 100 gm of radish. Eat this with 1 tsp of honey.

5.   Rice – rice should be consumed in the gruel form with buttermilk. Eat ripe banana also. This is very effective treatment for piles.

6.   Ginger – Take ½ tsp fresh ginger juice along with 1 tsp fresh mint juice, lemon juice and 1 tbsp honey with it. This is beneficial remedy for piles.

So the way to evacuate all the toxins through our body is achieved by eating right kind of diet and avoiding refined and junk food. Exercise is a must to strengthen and tone the muscles. Control the stress and strains of life. Take it easy. Stay well hydrated by drinking the most precious gift mother earth has presented to us i.e. water. 

      Please do share, if you have some ideas to treat these problems.       


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