HOW TO CURE ACIDITY WITH      RIGHT KIND OF FOOD                

Acidity is the painful sensation in the chest. We all suffer     from acidity sometime in our lifetime which makes us uncomfortable and restless. It causes burping, headache and insomnia. Acidity can be due to overeating or having wrong type of food like refined and fried food, excessive tea, coffee or alcohol.

Acidity is due to the reflux action of stomach acid i.e. hydrochloric acid and an enzyme called pepsin into the lowest part of the esophagus where these do not belong.

Sometimes when we overload ourselves, the stomach contracts and the acid back flush into the esophagus sphincter. When the food gets down it relaxes and allows the food to get into the stomach. Then it closes tightly. But it can become weakened or lose its elasticity with time.

Certain food also acts as a muscle relaxant making it lazy and open up at wrong times. So the stomach contents and acid come into the esophageal tract. If this happens over and over again the tender lining of esophagus gets irritated and inflamed. Thus when the irritants like coffee, citrus fruit or hot spicy food, pass through it causes burning sensation and fiery pain.

When there is more acid in our body then it leads to diseased state in the body. There should be a balance of acid and alkaline in our body i.e. the PH of the body should be between 6.9 to 7.4. If it is below this then there will be more acids in the body and values above this will cause more alkalinity in the body.

Both of these conditions are not good for healthy body. More acids in the body will result in constipation, headache, loss of immunity, pain in the body and frequent colds etc. More alkalinity will lead to lethargy, hypersomnia and lack of concentration. 

Anyone can have occasional heartburn. But it can be controlled from becoming chronic. Dear friends, if we have acidity, we know so many ways of treating it. We will gulp down antacids. But we are not bothered to give it a single thought, when we are having our favorite fried food, farsan etc, what happened with us last time.

Diet plays a crucial role if we have rare episodes of heartburn and acidity and it is more important if we have recurring heartburn. Diet can help us to keep it in control. If we frequently get acid reflux, then an alkaline diet should be followed. It will improve the digestive function and overall system of acid reflux.


Fried and fatty foods – Fried and fatty foods are difficult to digest. They stay longer in the digestive tract and leave more acids in the stomach. The overall digestive process slows down. As they stuck longer in the stomach and some of the acid move upwards in to the esophagus. These also relax the muscles of sphincter causing it to open up. This will result in acidity.

Processed baked food – Baked food like brownies, cakes, pastries and cookies are full of artificial colors and preservatives. These create acidic environment in the body i e more acidity. Moreover refined flours and refined sugars used in these, rank highest on the acidic charts.

Coffee and Tea – Coffee and tea sometime act as a laxative but more of these causes increased secretion of gastric acid in the stomach (because of the caffeine present in it). They also produce burning sensation in the already damaged esophagus and result in acidity.

Carbonated drinks and alcohol – Colas and alcohol increase gastric secretions in the stomach. Colas increases pressure in the stomach which then increases the acid secretion. Thus increasing the symptoms of acidity.

Alcohol not only increases the acid secretion but it also dehydrates our body. It can result in waking up at night when our body, detoxifies itself. So it can set up us for poor digestion and acid reflux the next day.

Hot and spicy food – Avoid chilli, peppers and hot spicy sauces. When they pass down, they cause irritation and burning sensation in the already damaged esophagus.

Dairy Products –Cold creamy milk gives relief initially. But later on, it causes more acid to produce in stomach. So avoid milk and drink water instead of milk.

Citrus fruit – Citrus fruits like tomatoes, oranges though don’t create acidic environment in the stomach. But when they pass through the damaged esophagus cause pain and irritation.

 Chocolates, peppermint – These cause muscles of sphincter to relax thus making it to open up for the acid to move upward in the esophagus. So avoid chocolates and peppermint.

Meat – Meat is the hardest thing to digest. Meat that is lower in fat like fish, lean chicken creates less acid in the stomach. Meat should be chewed properly. Limit intake of non vegetarian food 2-3 times per week will help to reduce acidity.


Black raisins – Black raisins are very effective in treating acidity. As acidity results in constipation also. It acts both ways, cures acidity as well as constipation. When problem is acute, 15 to 20 raisins can be taken. It should be dipped in water whole day. Afterwards 4 to 5 black raisins can be consumed.

Ginger – It is one of the best foods for acidity. It has anti-inflammatory properties and good for gastrointestinal conditions.

Aloevera – It is famous as a natural healing agent and also treats acidity. It can be used in recipes and as congealing liquids.

Parsley – It is a medicinal herb to settle the stomach and aid digestion. It can be used as seasoning and for garnishing during cooking.

Raw food – Most of the raw fruit and vegetables are alkaline in nature. Cooking these vegetables lowers their alkalinity. Raw fruits and vegetables have lots of enzymes which assist in digestion. Choose the freshest, blemish free items. As some people have indigestion and cannot tolerate raw food. They can first, treat themselves with herbs. Then they can have raw food.


  • Cut back on fatty food.
  • Avoid chocolate, coffee, alcohol, onions, peppermint. As they relax sphincter muscle thus causing heartburn and acidity.
  • Reduce weight if you are overweight because excessive weight presses sphincter muscle.
  • Do not lie down at least for three hours after eating. As when we are sitting or standing gravity helps to keep acid in the stomach and helps in acidity.
  • If you want to rest then lie down on the left side of your stomach. As esophagus enters the stomach from right side.
  • Do not consume alcohol just before sleeping to avoid acidity. 
  • Drink lots of water. It flushes down all the acid residues from the body.
  • Control your physical and mental stress. As no amount of diet can help if you are not cool and calm, to control acidity.



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