When the blood flows in the arteries, it exerts some force on its walls. This force has been given the name of blood pressure. Usually in the initial stages high blood pressure is symptom less, so it goes unnoticed. As we are not aware of the disease, so it proceeds silently and effects badly on our arteries leading to heart disease, stroke or kidney disease.

When we get up in the morning, we can have pain in the back of the head and neck which vanishes after sometime. One can feel dizziness, palpitation, pain in the heart, fatigue, shortness of breath and frequent urination.

Actually this disease was not prevalent in primitive times. This is a gift of modernization and industrialization. Our modern lifestyle is like that which precipitates high blood pressure. Obesity, smoking and insulin resistance can be one of the factors leading to disease. The normal blood pressure is 120/80 in young age but it can rise up to 160/90 with increasing age.

High blood pressure can run in families so genetic susceptibility can also be a factor which results in this disease. Stress is also a major culprit causing the blood pressure to rise. If we are stress sensitive, then in the long run adrenal glands, secreting cortisol hormone can constrict our arteries and lead to high blood pressure.

Faulty diet is another contributory factor. Lack of certain nutrients can hamper the proper functioning of our vascular system.

Type of personality also contributes in raising the blood pressure. Certain people with type A personality are highly success driven. They are in habit of working under stress. These people don’t enjoy any type of leisure activities. They consider it a waste of time. They also derive other people around them to work hard. So their blood pressure shoots up because of so much stress in their lives. Some people are very aggressive and hot tempered. They also fall prey to this disease.

As this is a disease which results due to wrong practices in our lifestyles. So we can alter our lifestyle to keep this disease at bay.


Put your weight down -  Weight should be reduced gradually. It can help to control blood pressure. As excessive fat in the body has detrimental effect on our nervous system and other vital organs.

Curb your stress – Cool down and control your stress. We can go on vacation, do some leisure activities. Meditation and pranayam can also help us to control fast breathing and help us. As we all know fast breathing is associated with negative emotions like anger and fear.

Do some exercise – Exercise is always beneficial for healthy body. It tones up our muscular system and stimulates blood circulation. It also helps to maintain ideal body weight which is a good sign for normal blood pressure.



Garlic – Garlic is very important as it acts as a vasodilator. It dilates our blood vessels. It also relaxes our muscles. By consuming garlic we can control the heart rate, dizziness and other symptoms. Both raw and cooked garlic is effective. But raw garlic is more potent to keep our arteries healthy. We can consume 2-3 raw garlic for three months to lower our blood pressure.

Amla – Amla is also effective in controlling blood pressure. Fresh amla can be consumed in the season and rest of the time we can have it in the dried form.

Lemon – Lemon juice is also beneficial in curing blood pressure. So drink lemon juice regularly.

Celery – It has been used as a medicine by Chinese people. Few stalks of celery taken for few months prove beneficial for this disease.

Grapefruit – Grapes also tones our blood vessels. So friends enjoy this fruit when in season to reduce your dose of medicine.

Rice – Rice is low in sodium and rich in potassium. It is considered excellent for our nervous system. So don’t forget to include rice in your diet.

Potatoes – Potatoes are also rich in potassium and magnesium. Boil potatoes with skin so that they can absorb less salt. They are beneficial for the health of vascular system.

Fruits and vegetables – Fruits and vegetables have been found to be beneficial in controlling blood pressure. They contain so many nutrients that are good for maintaining our blood pressure at normal range. They are rich in potassium, calcium, vitamin C and soluble fibre. All of these nutrients keep vascular system healthy.

Eat lots of fruits and vegetables like mango,watermelon,peach,pear,spinach,tomato,lemon,orange,grapes,onion,potato,carrot and beetroot etc.

Control your salt – Though salt intake is considered in the people who are salt sensitive. Other measures like reducing weight, consuming food rich in potassium, calcium and other lifestyle measures are more important. Still restrict your salt intake to 1/2 tsp per day if your blood pressure is on the higher side.

Smoking – Smoking is a sure way to increase the blood pressure. It increases the formation of clots in the blood leading to heart problems and strokes.

Alcohol and Caffeine – Alcohol and caffeine are also responsible for the blood pressure to rise. One drink per day may have beneficial effect but more than this will lead to high blood pressure .Too much caffeine is also harmful. Older adults with high blood pressure are most sensitive to its effect.



Potassium and Calcium – It has been found out by researchers that potassium and calcium are crucial minerals which help us to maintain our blood pressure. If we are eating diet rich in potassium then it will keep our vascular system toned. It will also help to eliminate excess of sodium and water from our bodies. Moreover it will also prevent calcium loss from our bodies. So both these minerals are important in controlling blood pressure.

So increase your consumption of fruits and vegetables to get more potassium and milk & milk products to get more calcium. But if you have kidney problem then consult your physician before consuming potassium rich diet.

Magnesium – If we are consuming diet which is deprived of magnesium then we are in the danger of shooting up our blood pressure. So dear friends consume nuts, whole grains and green leafy vegetables which are rich in magnesium.

Dietary changes along with other lifestyle factors can really help us to get the healthiest body we all want. We all are the result of what we have done with our bodies over the years. Blood pressure is something which we can alter by correct diet and other lifestyle changes.  


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