How to fight gout using home remedies and live healthy.


Friends, men generally over 30 years of age may be afflicted with this disease. Men from affluent families seems to suffer more from this disease  especially those who are on hypertensive drugs. 

It is a chronic disease with recurrent attacks. The big toe which is a common site, is hot, swollen and painful.The pain can shoot up at midnight or in early morning hours.

 In gout, the uric acid level of the blood increases, which is end product of the chemical reactions in our bodies. When the uric acid is too much in the blood, it forms uric acid crystals around the joints. 

It can affect other joints also like wrist, fingers, knee, elbow and even ears. Women are safe till menopause. After menopause women are also prone to this disease.

The causative factors may be genetic, faulty diet like excessive rich and fried food, emotional and physical stress, and excessive intake of alcohol,lack of physical activity and obesity.  

Gout in severe cases can also lead to kidney stones and eventually kidney failure. So guys, it’s very important to maintain the uric acid levels of the blood.



  • High fibre intake – Increase the intake of fibre in the diet. Fiber absorbs the uric acid in the blood thus excreting it through our kidneys. So consume soluble fiber in apple, orange, pear, strawberry, carrot, barley celery etc.

  •  Drink lots of water- Drink 10 to 12 glasses of water. It is the most effective remedy to cure gout. Water wipes out uric acid from the body.

  • Reduce weight- Reduce your weight gradually. Rapid weight loss will increase the uric acid level of the body.

  • Exercise- Regularly exercising is beneficial for gout patients. Simply stretching joints and muscles will go a long way to treat gout.

  • Antioxidant rich food- Grapes, Broccoli, tomatoes, strawberries are rich in antioxidants. These are essential for preventing the attack of free radicals on our organ and muscle tissue cells thus lowering the uric acid level.

  • Avoid bakery products-Avoid cookies, cakes and pastries which are rich in saturated and Trans fats and sugar.

  • Vitamin C-Intake of 500mg of vitamin C in our diet may lower the uric acid level of our blood in a month or two.

  • Limit or avoid alcohol- Alcohol interfere with the elimination of uric acid from our body. Especially red wine and beer are linked to gout attacks. So limit alcohol consumption to one drink or three a week.

  • Cherries-Cherries are effectively beneficial in the treatment of gout .It has been scientifically proven. Fifteen to twenty five cherries can be consumed by gout patient. It has shown miraculous effects in decreasing the uric acid level of blood. After the uric acid level has reached to its normal level, ten cherries can be consumed daily to prevent the ailment.
  •  Folic acid- A diet rich in folic acid helps to bring down uric acid level in the body. French beans, sunflower seeds, lentils and beans are rich in folic acid.

  • Bananas – Eat bananas daily. They will eliminate uric acid deposits from the body.

  • Apple- It is considered good medicine for gout. It has malic acid which neutralizes the uric acid in the blood.

  • Carrot, beet root, cucumber are also considered effective in eliminating uric acid from the blood. These should be consumed daily when in the season.

  • Berries especially blueberries and strawberries have anti-inflammatory properties. So these should be included in diet.

  • High fructose corn syrup- This type of sweetener is found in soft drinks and other processed foods. This increases the uric acid and triglycerides in the blood. These are associated with many health problems like diabetes, gout, kidney problems, heart disease etc.

  • Green tea – It is very good in controlling hyper
      uricemia and lower risk of developing gout.

  • Celery seeds- This is popular home remedy to bring down uric acid level in the body.

  • Dark chocolate, cocoa- Dark chocolate has a compound called theobromine which has the highest concentration of uric acid per gram of food. So these should be avoided by people who have tendency to gout.

  • Some other foods good for gout- Eating grains like jowar and bajra is helpful as they are alkaline in nature. Snack on nuts like almond and walnuts. These are also alkaline and also have essential oils which reduce inflammation in the joints.
  • Eat fruits and vegetables which will make the body fluids less acidic. Potato and corn are also very effective for gout patients. Milk also controls the uric acid level of the blood.

  • Foods to avoid- Avoid purine containing food like meat gravies, stocks, organ meats, green leafy vegetables and mushrooms. Although scientists have proved that food has little affect ,it is the body’s susceptibility to excrete enough uric acid through the kidneys.

      Still during acute attack don’t consume peas, dals, dried beans,        fish, chicken, most smoked meats sugar, white flour and yeast          products like bread, cakes and pastries, nuts and cauliflower.


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