5 WAYS TO TREAT OBESITY In today’s world everybody is so desperate to reduce obesity and to get the ideal figure. We can do anything to get the perfect curves. We are not concerned about the diseases we are suffering from, l ike thyroid problems, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and many others. All we want is, to look good in the party and feel so much inflated by the appreciation we get, for our slim and trim bodies.Obesity is a disease in itself. But friends, there are so many nutrients which are so important to keep us healthy and fit. But why we are concentrating only on one nutrient i.e. fat. Ok, I do agree that extra fat leads to many deadly diseases. But there are so many things, we should do to keep fit and maintain healthy weight. It is not that easy. Just to avoid sugar and fat is not, all that our body wants. It requires many nutrients to function well and also to reduce our body fat or fight obesity. ...