CURING ASTHMA – 8 WAYS TO FIGHT ASTHMA Asthma is the recurrent attacks of breathlessness, tightness in the chest and wheezing. The severity of cases has been increased tremendously in the last decade. It is due to more pollution and industrialization. We can be allergic to dust; feather, perfumes, drugs, changes in weather or temperature and these can lead to asthma. Allergies due food may include egg, milk, fish and wheat, beans and chocolates etc. If no extrinsic factor has been found out then asthma can be due to hereditary reasons also. Psychological insecurities i.e. intense desire for parental love, stress, anger and anxiety may also lead to asthma. As we breathe the air passes through the nostrils to the wind pipe and then to the lungs. In asthma there is inflammation of the bronchiole tubes (respiratory passage). It also results in the spasm of the surrounding muscles. The inflammatory passages a...